Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Within a few short years, unless Americans object now, the United States of America and our beloved Constitution may not exist.  Behind closed doors, a new scheme is being drawn up to eliminate the borders with Mexico and Canada, replace the Dollar with the "Amero" (a combination of the weak and unstable Mexican and Canadian currencies with the Dollar)--thus destroying American's savings and economic stability; and create a "North American Union" (NAU) like the European Union.  Gone or ignored will be our Constitution.  Bureaucrats in Mexico, Canada and the U.S. will dictate your rights and duties as "citizens" of the NAU.  Complete elimination of borders will give all Mexicans the legal right to move to the U.S., making Americans nearly a minority in our country and making security against terrorism and drug smuggling impossible.  It's not a nightmare, it's really happening, unless Americans wake up now and put a stop to it.  Today the planning is behind closed doors, soon the media and politicians will be declaring the need to merge with Mexico and Canada to solve all our problems, and the danger exists that a real or created crisis could be used to force the scheme into effect without even a vote in Congress.  This is how our great country and Constitution could be undermined and abandoned without a fight--if we let it happen now.

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