Sunday, April 26, 2009


In a 2003 address to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Richard Smalley, Nobel laureate in chemistry (1996), forecast that "by 2010, if current trends continue, over 90 percent of all physical scientists and engineers in the world will be Asians working in Asia."

One possible explanation for this sharply declining science enrollment by Americans and the sharp increase of Asian students comes from scholars in the People's Republic of China. Chinese paleontologists studying the famous Cambrian explosion fossils in the Chengjiang shale in the Yunnan province have commented to their American collegues, "In China we are not allowed to criticize our government leaders, but we are free to criticize Darwin. In your country you are free to ciriticize your government leaders, but you are not permitted to criticize Darwin."

Contrariwise, an avowed know-it-all body of Christendom, indifferent to discovery of fact and self imposed ignorance of the same; and faith over fact mentality of polarization are in fact, to blame? 

Faith gives the right of new birth not willful ignorance. What brings that faith? It is NOT a blind faith! Adam received his first assignment to review creation and give it nomenclature or saying it another way, a means of identification Gen 2:19. We must ask ourselves, 'for whose benefit?' There therefore, can be no contradiction between the discovery of fact by scientific method and faith in the Genesis account. It is however the responsibility of the faithful to know and understand that ALL of creation speaks of the glory of God, in decency and order, and that takes dedicated work; and with the expectation of the creator from the beginning, to do so.

Faith without works is dead being alone. James 2:26 KJV

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