Thursday, December 4, 2008


If 'con' is the opposite of 'pro'. Then someone explain to me 'PROGRESS' v 'CONGRESS' - are they opposites? You be the judge. (It is the congress that passes laws not presidents or the people: Presidents are a talking heads.  Seemingly, people vote their uncontrolled appetites and not well thought out convictions.)

Why is it the rights afforded by the Bill of Rights only apply to the Criminal, Alien, Deadbeat and Perverted among us to the complete deprecation of the Law Abiding, Productive, God Fearing and Free-born?

While we're on the subject of contrasts, consider this: in any form of government or organization having a constitution as its basis for law, that document and its doctrine is considered conservative. Therefore, to be a political liberal within that order is to be by definition, anti-constitution. Have things really gotten better in this country with nearly 80 years of liberal left domination of congress and their long ago failed ideologies, insidious heresies, and blatant reformation of the US Constitution without the benefit of due process?

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