Friday, May 8, 2009


There is at least one prediction by July of next year the US will be fully engulfed in Civil War and that induced by the current Obama government and the culmination of at least serious plan, beginning with the George Sr. through the Clinton and the George Jr. administrations. I am even beginning to believe Reagan had a hand in it, maybe unwittingly but guilty nonetheless. Hell, it may have even been the plan beginning with the landslide victories of the 2nd and 3rd Roosevelt administrations; demonstrating the American abandonment of individual freedom, at all costs, in favor of Big Brother. Give the fiddler a dram...

I just finished reading two books: Founding Brothers and 1776. The Tories have always been with us ( and in the majority ) from the beginning! John Adams, our second president, was a raving liberal ( A Yankee Federalist ) in abject favor of monarchy and absolute Federal control of government in this country. He and Jefferson ( A Southern Republican ), though friends, were polar opposites in regard to government to the point they did not speak to each other for twelve years; even, while Jefferson was Adams' vice! Interestingly, on July 4, 1826 they died within five hours of each other – Jefferson first. Give the fiddler a dram...

It was only through the drunken arrogance of a certain Hessian General Rall and his routing defeat at Trenton by a (then) all but defeated Washington that we even had a country anyway. The Continental Army was defecting in mass to King George in plain view of the 'New Englanders' who were Loyalists in the majority. So, with the exception of about 1% of the population back then, Americans were for the most part, sniveling, whining cowards much as they are today! Give the fiddler a dram...

I wonder if we have any "1% ers" today and will they carry the day? May the South rise again!

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