Sunday, February 22, 2009


Let me see if I understand this. The man holding the office of President of the United States of America also holds the distinction of having a white mother and a black father. And currently being touted as the first 'African-American' President. The fact that he was born in Indonesia has nothing to do with it I guess ( which also makes his presidency a farce but never mind details ). So, consider this scenario.

Say, my father, a white man, has a lineage finding its roots in France ( sorry to say but true ). Now for the interesting part: my mother is also a white; but, has her roots in South Africa. I may only conclude then that though I were born in America and, unlike the aforementioned fake,  can prove it beyond any doubt; one may only conclude that I am as 'African-American' as he is - only legitimate.

A bastard by any other name is...

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