Tuesday, February 10, 2009


At the top right hand corner of Page 17 of the New York Post of January 24th, 2009, was a short column entitled "Replacing Michelle" in the National Review "The Week" column. I found this interesting, so here it is, word for word, as it appeared a few days ago......

'Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The
University of Chicago Medical center hired her in 2002 to run "programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting."

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Oh did we mention that her husband had just become a
US Senator? He sure had.  Requested a $1 Million earmark for the UC Medical Center, in fact. Way to network Michelle!

But now that Mrs Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled.

How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

We can think of only one explanation: Senator Roland Burris's wife wasn't interested.

The Editors of National Review, writing in the Magazine's Feb 9 issue.'

Maybe not quite as creative as the Hillary Clinton cattle futures fix - but kudos nonetheless.

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