Saturday, March 7, 2009


In response to an offline discussion about the content of this blog:

Your comment about me being a bit 'tight' is interesting. The things I post on the blog (with exception to the light hearted jokes ) are truths as a mutual acquaintance said "methods and concepts are many and change often, but principles are few and never do." We are seeing the very end of the greatest government and people to ever grace civilization with its and their presence. ... In the meantime cutthroats like the Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, etc will reek havoc with the last vestige of freedom and liberty known in the world. Yes I put the Bush's in the same list. I believe GW has done more to bring this country down than any foe we have faced in our history. He has certainly set the stage for an avowed Marxist/Islamist like Obama.

‘Any government strong enough to give you all you want is strong enough to take all you have.’ Thomas Jefferson

This I believe and make absolutely no apology for it. Contrariwise, I am not naive: the truth is the truth whether I know it, understand it, believe it, support it or practice it.

No matter the would-be and contemporary 'messiahs', who would pretend otherwise.

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