Thursday, March 5, 2009


Why is Obama targeting Rush Limbaugh?  Very simple, if you understand that one of Obama's primary "mentors" (in addition to Obama's close friends and supporters -1) unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, -2) racketeer Tony Rezko and -3) lunatic racist Jeremiah Wright) was in fact Saul Alinsky - an avowed communist and the original "community organizer"; who literally wrote the book on radical community organization strategy.  And again, in case you missed it - Obama's mentor - if you don't know who Saul Alinsky is, you don't know who Barack Obama is.  Thanks to the mainstream media, very few folks ever heard of Alinsky, particularly during the campaign - yet another reprehensible example of the mainstream media's complete abdication of their journalistic, ethical and moral obligations to America and Americans (that's real Americans, not the 20+ million illegal aliens taking advantage of real Americans).

From Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" - RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

This is a direct quote from Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals".  They don't have George Bush to go after anymore, so now, based on their polling - and by "they" I mean Obama, James Carville, George Stephanopolis, et al - they've picked Rush Limbaugh as the voice of conservatives and conservatism in America - by applying Alinsky's Rule #12, they fully intend to marginalize all conservatives by marginalizing Rush Limbaugh.  Whether or not you like Rush isn't the point - the point is that Barack Obama adheres to and believes in Marxist economics, and through the "stimulus package v.1 + v.2 + v.2 + infinitum - he fully intends to achieve the redistribution of wealth that Marxism/socialism requires.  The stimulus package has nothing to do with stimulating the economy; it is entirely focused on the concept of nationalizing industry, the banks and implementing Marx's philosophy - "from those according to their ability to those according to their need" again straight out of the Karl Marx playbook (not to be confused with Groucho, Harpo or Zeppo).

Make no mistake about it, that's where Obama fully intends to take America - he has told us as much many times.  This is a man who, in an interview on Chicago radio several years ago, called the U.S. Constitution a "charter of negative limitations" - a man who, during a speech in Colorado during the campaign, said he believes we should have a civil defense force as well funded and equipped as the military - a man who appointed an Attorney General who does not believe in the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. 

While all is certainly not lost, we are surrounded by the harbingers of America's demise - the point of no return could be the institution of socialized medicine, because once the government has control over our personal health and well-being they literally have control over our lives - and by extension our death.  Do we really want federal bureaucrats making life-or-death decisions for us and our families?  Imagine, if you will - Barney Frank, Charles Schumer, Harry Reid, John Murtha, Barbara Boxer - and Nancy Pelosi - picking who lives and who dies.
How long can real Americans - liberal or conservative - continue to ignore this pattern of behavior?  How long will real Americans deny the inevitable outcome?

America is at a crossroads; which way do we choose?  Do we go with the flow or stand against the tide?  

Will we answer the clarion call in time?

Nobody ever said it'd be easy

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